Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sametime Woes (Domino Directory to LDAP)

Issue resolved, but, I still think the wiki should be worded better. Here is the updated blog post on the resolution.
For the past couple of days, I have been having a real problem.  And that problem is Sametime.  I have been tasked with getting an instance of Sametime Standard up and running in our environment.  Most of that work has been done by a consultant who knows what he is doing.  While he is working on finishing that up, I have decided to test the steps of getting my current environment of Sametime Entry migrated to talk to the new Sametime Standard servers.  You see, long ago when I installed Sametime Entry, I used the Domino Directory as the directory source for Sametime and not LDAP.  As I had found out early on in the project, if you have a Sametime configuration set for Domino Directory, it won't talk to an LDAP configuration. So to get the old Sametime Entry to talk to the new Sametime Standard you have to go through a process of copying files, renaming files and overwriting files.  For this task, I found this wiki article online
The steps seem VERY straight forward.  Let's review.  (My comments are italicized)
1.  On the Lotus Sametime server, create a working directory to copy files to so that you can rename them.
Okay, no problem, I can do that.
2.  Copy the "STAuthenticationLdap.dll" from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to the working directory.
Okay, that shouldn't be a problem...wait, that directory \Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap is empty on all of my installs.  The folder is there, but it's empty. The .dll that it calls for is located in the \Lotus\Domino folder, okay, I'll use that one instead.  Moving on.
3.  In the working directory, rename the "STAuthenticationLdap.dll" file to "STAuthentication.dll."
Easy-peasy.  Done.  Next!
4.  Copy the renamed "STAuthentication.dll" file to the C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
Note Copying the "STAuthentication.dll" file to the C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino will overwrite an existing file of the same name.
Hmm...didn't ask to be overwritten.  The file didn't exist in the first place.  Odd. Moving on.
5.  Copy the file "STGroupsLdap.dll" from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to the working directory.
Again, the LDAP folder is empty, had to find the file in the Lotus\Domino directory.
6.  Rename the "STGroupsLdap.dll" file to "STGroups.dll."
No probs
7.  Copy the renamed STGroups.dll file to the C:\Sametime directory.
Note Copying the "STGroups.dll" file to the C:\Sametime directory will overwrite an existing file of the same name.
Okay, this one did ask to be overwritten! Next!
8.  Copy the file "STResolveLdap.dll" from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to the working directory.
Again, not in \LDAP directory, but in the \Domino directory.
9.  Rename the "STResolveLdap.dll" file to "STResolve.dll."
Yup, no probs.
10.  Copy the renamed "STResolve.dll" file to the C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
Note Copying the "STResolve.dll" file to the C:\Sametime directory will overwrite an existing file of the same name.
Another one that needed overwritten! WooHoo! Next.
11.  Copy the "StBrowseLdap.dll" file from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to the working directory.
You guessed it, it was in the \Domino directory. 
12.  Rename the "StBrowseLdap.dll" file to "StBrowse.dll."
13.  Copy the renamed STBrowse.dll file to the C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
While the steps didn't call for it, this file needed overwritten.
14.  Copy the "StDirectoryListLDAP.sym" file from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to the working directory.
This file exists NOWHERE.  None of my 6 Sametime Entry servers have this file.  Even a clean installation of Sametime Entry 8.5.1 does not have this file included in it.
15.  Rename the "StDirectoryListLDAP.sym" file to "StDirectoryList.sym."
Can't do it, because I don't have it.
16.Copy the renamed StDirectoryList.sym file to the C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
I'm thinking I'm going to need a milk carton "Have you seen me?" for this file.
17.  Copy the "StLdap.dll" file from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
File already existed in the \Domino directory.  The \LDAP, again, NEVER had any files in it.
18.  Copy the "stLdap.ini" file from the directory C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino\Directory BB\Ldap to C:\Program Files\Lotus\Domino or $installeddir\Lotus\Domino.
Again, same as step 17.  That file was already in \Domino.

Okay, so I followed all the steps as listed the best I could, setup up and ran the rename task for the vpuserinfo.nsf file, changed the DIRECTORY= line in the sametime.ini from NOTES to LDAP and started up the STADDIN task.  Hoping that things would "just work", they of course didn't.  Right away I am noticing that the following services won't start:
ST Reflector
ST Resolve
ST Users
Plus, I am seeing this message flash by on my test server
[0A0C:004A-13DC] 11/28/2012 09:41:56 AM  Process E:\Lotus\Domino\StUsers.exe (5400/0x1518) has terminated abnormally

So I ask you, my dear fellow Admins.  What the frak am I missing?


Anonymous said...

Did you create a LDAP document in stconfig.nsf?


Andy Donaldson said...

Good point. Yes. I did along the way do that. This last try I hadn't. Fixing it now :-)

Mary Whalley said...

Oh, I still have nightmares from when we did that in 2009. I can look through our change documentation to see if I can help at all.

Andy Donaldson said...

Got it working! And repeated it to make sure! New blog to follow!