Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lotusphere 2011 Report - What are you looking for in the OGS? Sunday, January 30

Once again dear friends, we descend upon Orlando and immerse ourselves in education and discussion regarding the product line we all know and love.  IBM Lotus Notes and Domino.  And all the other products that go along with it.
Sunday at Lotusphere is reserved for Jump Start sessions and deep dives into different areas of the product line.  I attended a few of those today and was happy to know that at least on my Lotus Traveler implementation, we're doing it right.  Sunday is also reserved for the opening party which in many ways is like a class reunion.  Seeing people you haven't seen in a year or two and basically picking up the conversation that you left off with a year ago.
But with all the fun and learning that goes into Sunday, Monday is the big day.  It's the day that the Opening General Session for Lotusphere is held and the new product offerings and strategy for the product line are announced.  But what are you looking for out of the OGS on Monday? 
Me, it's simple.  Marketing.  I know this is a dog that has been beaten time and time again.  I still don't feel the message is getting to those that need to hear it.  I know other will say that the Lotus Knows campaign was a success. But I'm still fighting off the "why are we still on Notes" discussions at work.  So outside of the future of the product, I really want to see the message brought out tomorrow.  But I also want that message to resonate for those that need to hear it in the office, hear it. As the person responsible for managing the Domino infrastructure at work, I (of course), come across as someone with a bias for the product.  Well duh, I love it.  It works.  It works well.  But, it's not my job to sell it.  So let's go, IBM.  Please bring it tomorrow.  Make the message clear.   Stay tuned.  There will be plenty of updates from multiple sources filling the interwebs in about 12 hours from this posting.  Lotus Knows tomorrow will be a busy day.

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