Sunday, December 6, 2009

Adding to the echo chamber: Lotus Traveler ROCKS!

Recently, there has been several in the Lotus blogging community giving input about their positive experiences with setting up and using the product Lotus Notes Traveler.  After really using it myself this past week, I'm adding my geek love for this product too.
One of the challenges that I've always had in my company is the ability to have multiple, different devices used by the employees to take their PIM data with them.  It's simple, not everyone wants the same device.  Over the years, I've had to rely on Pylon, (both the cradled desktop solution and the server based version), or an Intellisync server for wireless handhelds like Treo's or the Palm TX.  And of course, a plain old BlackBerry server has been running too.  But with each of solution, there has also carried along a certain level of "feed and watering" that can get crazy at times.  For example, Intellisync and BlackBerry both rely on some form of SQL database to keep track of what the user's device is up to.  Now most of the time, things work okay and you don't have to worry about it.  But if disaster struck, would you be able to jump right in and figure out what's wrong with all of the extraneous "stuff" that's attached to the product?  Well in my case having been the only person administrating and trouble shooting not only the Domino environment but also handhelds in my enterprise, I wanted simple.   Now, I can honestly say that Traveler is that "simple" solution.  You set up a Domino server or use an existing one, install Traveler, take a few minutes to configure it, set up your firewall to get into it from the outside and your done.  It is really is pretty much that simple!  Don't belive me?  Well, take some time to look around at what others have done and said about the product on Planet Lotus
Clearly to me, this is one product that I feel with help push the ROI argument for the Lotus product line.  Most any of the other vendors in the mobile arena charge not only for the server product, but also for each user that you attach to the product.  With Lotus, it comes with your Passport Advantage agreement!  As long as you have the right licensing for your environment. But if you see it available for download, GET IT!  So far I've set up my iPod Touch, 3 Windows Mobile devices, and an Andriod using the emulator and the steps that both Mitch Cohen and Luis Alejandro blogged about.  And with all of those devices, the product works like a champ.  Now this product does not have anything set up to allow back end access to other applications, but in my experience people only really care about their calendar, mail and contacts on their handheld.  And they also want it to be the same both on the device and in the Lotus Notes client.   So if you are looking to make a change off of one of the other solutions, this is the product to look at.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for it.


Anonymous said...

IBM, please bring Traveler to the Linux platform too! :-)

/Jesper Kiaer

Keith Brooks said...

Andy, Yes, we have been telling everyone it's great, sorry it too this long for you at work.

Note iPhone support varies from WMD but it's all good.

And as a Domino Admin didn't you know you are supposed to know sql and rebuilding BES from scratch and all that other fun stuff that has nothing to do with Domino is just part of your job?

Anonymous said...

I have implemented Traveler 8.5.1 on Domino 8.5.1 and tried to synch mail with an iPhone without success. Domino gets to the iNet thru an ISP. I can see in the logs that Traveler know me :) but he will not talk to me :(

I can telnet to Domino on 80, 443 and 8642.

What can I try next?
