Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Domino on VM, hold the mayo

I realized something tonight while watching TV. I haven't been a productive member of the Domino blogging community lately and post any tidbits of Domino goodness. It's not that I haven't been up to anything, I have. It's been a wild and crazy summer! I've managed to finish upgrading all of my production servers to R7 and have been successful at getting more and more people over to BlackBerry instead of other devices which of course make everything run smoother! But the biggest news is recently I have entered the world of VM and I love it. I had an application Domino server that was really lagging in performance and was up for end of lease replacement. So instead of going through the hassle of having to build a new server and do all the boring configuration work I had the server team deploy a VM and it rocks! The performance of it is incredible! I highly recommend looking into that, especially if you already have other VM's in your environment. Now don't ask me how we have our VM environment set up. I know nothing about that. All I know is that it just plain works!

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