Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Okay, so I said I would post the results of what Lotus finds out about DWA not removing files from the Temporary Internet Files folder after logging out of DWA/iNotes. Well, you'll have to wait a little longer. Lotus has been able to re-create the issue, and they did create an SPR. According to the tech I am working with, it's up in development right now. Lord knows that Microsoft probably patched a hole with a security release, and now, the logout function isn't working with 6.x. The iNotes5 logout works like a champ, but, 6 just doesn't want to work. Oh what fun.
Also found out last week that the Out Of Office agent hasn't been working right for a while. Nobody tells me anything. Come to learn that the settings from the mail template are all set wrong. Here's a handy tip. If you are using the inotes5.ntf or the inotes6.ntf as the template for your users, and you want to push a change down to them with the design task, DON'T update the inotes5/6.ntf template and think that will work. They are not the masters of their own domain. The inotes5.ntf template inherits all of its stuff from the mail50ex.ntf template, and the iNotes6.ntf template inherits all of its stuff from the mail6.ntf template. I remember being told that a long time ago, but, some things get pushed too far back into the brain, and are never heard from again.

On the personal side of things, I can't seem to sell my damn house. My realtor thinks that we are asking too much. I think, he just wants me to lower the price, so he can make a quick sale and not have to work for a living. I am really wishing I would have used a Help-U-Sell type of service. I'm noticing that realtors are great at the beginning. They will push you to get the house ready to show, but, when you want them to do something for you, like have another open house, you have to be a prick and keep calling them. Hopefully something will give soon. Anyone know anything about Ohio contract law, and if I can get out of my contract with him? ;)

Had a great Fathers Day with the family. We decided to start off the day with lunch at Skyline Chili. Then, off to Akron to watch the MAPS Air Show at the old air dock. Found a nice spot to park outside the gates, and watched the planes fly around. I got to see a P-38 Lightning flying around. It's one of those planes I never thought I would get a chance to see. Beautiful. Then, went to Friendly's for some ice cream. That made for a fantastic day.
Well, that's it for the updates for now. As soon as I get some results from Lotus, I will post it on here.

1 comment:

Chris Whisonant said...

Thanks for the update. Sorry I didn't get a chance to test that out too... Been dealing with my own issues (just check out my blog lol!) Anyway, glad they are working on it. I have personally seen in the past where a MS fix broke an iNotes function. I removed the fix and iNotes worked again.

We've seen some OoO problems too - I believe we had to apply something to our template too. The mail6.ntf thing is great, huh? That's bit me a couple of times. I would add in our letterhead logo and then it would get wiped back out - even though iNotes6.ntf is a master template it inherits from the other template. Thanks Lotus! haha

Hope things work out for your house. We had slack realtors too.