Monday, June 27, 2005

Fun at a Japanese Steak House

If there's one food that I love, it would have to be steak and shrimp hibachi style at a Japanese steak house. They are always fun to go to. The cook comes out and puts on a big show, flipping things around and all that cool stuff. But, there is one steak house close us, that has an added feature. A bizarre and horny cook. Seems like every time we go, we get stuck with this guy. My wife decided to take me there on Saturday night to celebrate the 18th anniversary of my 18th Birthday, which is tomorrow, and we have our little friend cooking for us. Now, he's a good cook and all, but, I think the only words of English this guy knows is, and I quote exactly, "Who your daddy". He likes saying that a lot as he smacks the steak on the grill with his cooking utensils. Of course, there are the other words he knows like "Hey mama", and "Love you long time". Now, I know that it sounds like I am making fun of a stereotype, but I am not. If you don't believe me, I suggest that you go to the Fuji Steak House in Canton, OH, and see for yourself. Good food, just an odd man.
After that, we went birthday shopping for my son who turns 13 next Saturday. He's getting an X-Box. Then, it was off to the movies. I wanted to see Batman, my wife wanted to see Bewitched. We saw Bewitched. I'm probably going to go see the Dark Knight next weekend.
The rest of the weekend was spent just hanging out and trying to stay cool. Seems like we are in the midst of a heat wave right now, and there isn’t much relief in sight. We did take the kids to play Laser Quest yesterday. Made Denise play too. She loved it, and so did the kids.
Well, time for the Monday morning grind to begin. Have a good week and a safe July 4th.

Update 12/08/07 - Since this post seems to get hit so much, I felt that I should update that the Stark County Health Board closed the place down in November. Here's a link to the story.

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