Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Andy's Guide To......

At 2 PM today, this appeared on my Facebook messenger

I won't go into the details here about what the next couple of hours had in store for me, but suffice it to say, a lot of incredible happened.  Yes Virginia, I will be in Orlando this year.  At least for a couple of days.  I won't be attending ConnectED as an attendee, however.  I will be down there to fulfill client request for headshot photos.  Aside from being a Domino Admin at a local Fortune 500 company, I do after all have a photography business.  So now that I'm going to be onsite during the launch of what many, (including myself), feel is the last premier event for individuals of the IBM/Lotus stack, I have a few tips to pass along to make this years event everything that it could be for you.
  1. First, review last years "Andy's Guide to Connect-o-sphere 2014".  Not much has changed on my advice. Lotusphere 2015 has a lot to offer you as an technical professional in the ICS world.  Go, drink from the firehose of knowledge and collaboration!
  2. Second, meet people and make friends.  Connect, (see what I did there), with others in this field.  There are people here that we only see IRL once a year.  Cherish that.  Enjoy that.  Make those connections that can last a lifetime.
  3. Lastly, if this is the last late January event held at the Swan/Dolphin, let's not make this a wake where we beat our chests and wail to the heavens.  Lets go out with a bang!  Let's let the heavens know that we were there.  That something great happened there.  And let's have fun.  Last year I ended my wrap-up blog post with the idea of "See ya'all down the road".  Well, that road lead me back to there.  You NEVER know in this world where the road will take you and sometimes you will just be amazed when it leads someplace great.
So there you have it.  I look forward to seeing as many of you down there that I can.  I'l be around.  Just look for the big guy with the camera around his neck.


TexasSwede said...

See you Saturday, my friend!

Mat Newman said...

See you Saturday (hug)
That Handsy Australian!