Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A mystery......

So it's that time of the year again when all the good little Domino Admins and Developers get all starry eyed and anxious with the anticipation of going to Lotuspher...I mean Connect.  One of the fun things that goes on at the event is the "Wednesday night party" at one of the local Orlando theme parks.  For me, that's always something I look forward to.  Not much of a thrill ride person myself, but enjoy the themes of the parks.  
In years past, it was a closely guarded secret on which park was on the agenda for the event, but in recent years it's been announced early.  Well this year, there are two changes in store that are confirmed by the @IBMConnect Twitter account.  First, the Wednesday night party is now the Tuesday night party.  I had heard something about that a couple weeks ago because <tongue-in-cheek>I guess there is another conference going on at the same time as ours </tongue-in-cheeck>  and they want those folks to be able to attend.  But also, it seems that the practice of keeping the park a secret is back.  

As you can see, I felt calling shenanigans was an appropriate response.  I had no other option.  

Regardless of where the party is, there is one real reason why all look forward to heading off to Orlando.  Getting together with like minded folks to continue to our growth together as a community.  Both technically and personally.  I'll probably start thinking of a topic for this years "Andy's Guide To..." soon, so stay tuned!


David Leedy said...

I think keeping the Party location a secret is just DUMB. There's no value in that. They should publish it right away as depending on the park they might actually get a few more ticket sales.

I know when they were at Universal Islands a few years ago - I flew my wife in just to go to the "Harry Potter Land". More notice allows more people to plan.

Potential sales tools should not be kept secret.

Mike McGarel said...

I couldn't agree more with Dave.