Sunday, August 19, 2012

MWLUG2012 and my session slides

What a great town.  Big city mixed with the mid-west.  Okay, I know some people don't think it's a big city, but I disagree.  Last Wednesday morning, my son Alex and I headed over to attend two days of learning and collaborating. Well, I did the learning and Alex did the networking.  I wanted him to attend a conference like this to have him get an idea of a group of people that get it.  Being "social" and doing it for the common good.  He seemed to enjoy himself and made some new friends I think, which is something he always likes to do.
Wednesday started off with Paul Mooney's ethical hacking workshop.  If you EVER see this workshop offered near you.....GO!  I don't want to go into detail about what exactly was talked about, (hey, pay the fee and find out for yourself!), but it goes something like this, courtesy of Gregg Eldred .  It starts off with Paul being all nice and kind like he always is.  Then he scares the living crap out of you.  Then, he gives you a cup of coco and a warm blanket, and assures you everything is going to be alright.  Seriously, a good learning experience for someone that is not real familiar with the tools of that trade.
The next two days was filled with the typical learnings of a Lotus User Group.  Fellow customers sharing their experience, wisdom and knowledge about various aspects their daily job, including myself.  With the help of my co-presenter, Alex, I gave my gave an abridged version of "How to use InstallShield Tuner for IBM Lotus Notes".  I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to fit everything in the 60 minutes, and I wasn't, but I was at least able to get the install far enough to show that after the work you do, it does pass over the settings you want.  I was also pretty glad that my son got to present a session at a Lotus conference with me.  Is this the first time a father-son team has ever presented at a Lotus conference?  If it is, I'm pretty proud of that!
To access my slides, please click this link
To download the file on to your computer, use this link. (Sorry, Google Docs is a pain)
Thanks to Richard Moy and all his team for putting together a top notch event!  They really did a fantastic job with the help of all the sponsors that showed up and genuinely helped pull this off.

If anyone has any questions or problems with getting the slides, please let me know!  And for those that came, thank you!

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