Monday, December 12, 2011

How to use InstallShield Tuner for Lotus Notes - SHOW103

That's right gang.  I'm one of them too

Stop on down the Swan - Osprey 1 & 2 on Thursday, January 19, 2011 and see my Show 'n' Tell session entitled....
How to use InstallShield Tuner for Lotus Notes
I was hoping to be able to get lasers, flashpots, orchestra, clowns, Bengal Tigers, Beagle puppies and magicians, but IBM wasn't going to go for it.  Instead, you get me.  
Ya.  Sorry about that.  But stop on down and check it out!

For now, I gotta get back on my slides before Tom and Marie yell at me.  Again.


Thomas "Duffbert" Duff said...

"Yell" is such an ugly word... I prefer "loudly persuasive".

Gregg Eldred said...

Tom, Andy doesn't have minions to handle the day-to-day tasks, which means that you have to be "persuasive" to keep him on task and focused. Otherwise, you get lasers, flashpots, etc., and no real session.