Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Lotusphere2007 - Wednesday Report, Part1

Wowsers! It's Wednesday at the 'Sphere which means we are in the home stretch to wrapping things up for another year. Already. Again, I can't believe how quickly the times goes while we are down here. At least it does for me. I finally got a good chance to take a look at the new client at both the lab and during sessions. I like it. However, there is a lot of new stuff to it that may hold people back from wanting to roll out the Eclipse version, and stick with the standard client. At least in my organization. Only time will tell. I'm going to keep my ear to the ground on how that is going to evolve. Of course, I'm probably not going to look at migrating to R8 anytime soon. I'll probably get the Beta when it comes out, but won't really look at making the jump until 8.0.1 comes out. I still have plenty to do with 7 as well.
Tonight is the party at Animal Kingdom. And it's raining. I want a refund, its suppose to be warm and sunny, what's up with that? Could be worse though. My beautiful wife back in Ohio is telling me that it has been snowing most of today and the ground it covered. That will be a shock when I get off of the plane Friday.
I'm going to make every effort to make it to the blogger BOF in the morning. It's going to be interesting to see how many show up after a late night with the Mouse.
Well, that's it for now. Off to get ready for the party.

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