Thursday, December 22, 2005

Andy’s 2005 Year In Review

Since this is the last working day of the year for me, I decided that now would be the best time to give my look back on the year that was 2005.
All in all, it was a very good year both personally and professionally. On the work side, I had several major projects that went off without any issues. First was the conversion of Exchange users to Lotus Notes. After we acquired a company in 2004, the big push at the first of the year was to convert the remaining Exchange users. It was made easy thanks to Binary Tree. If you have a major project to convert people to Lotus Notes, use their product! Another major score this year was making iNotes/DWA available to the company. So far this year, a lot of people of really fallen in love with it, and use it regularly from home. Just wait until they see the R7 template. And finally, the biggest hit of the year was upgrading our client base from R5 to R6.5 client. Of course, people aren’t too happy with that one because the quota enforcement it much stricter. I, of course love it (insert evil laugh here).
Personally, this was a year of change. Moving out of the house we started our family in was both a happy and sad thing. For a long time there, I didn’t think the old place would sell, but it did. And then the one house that I had no intention on looking at is now our new home and I love it. I learned and was reminded of something this year, prayer works. Without getting too preachy, when you feel like your back is up against the wall with something, there is always someone there to listen and help you when it is needed. ‘Nuff said on that.
We didn’t have enough time this year to take a “regular” vacation, but we were able to have a couple of small trips to a few different places, and the kids really enjoyed that.
Now, we stand at the doorstep of 2006 wondering what this year is going to bring for us. I for one am looking for another year of personal growth. I am also looking forward to another year with my loving wife by my side, and my two beautiful children next to us. I truly wish you and yours have a happy and blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year! See ya on the other side!

1 comment:

Chris Whisonant said...

Thanks Andy! I hope that you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!