Saturday, February 5, 2005


Okay, like any good geek, I enjoy my Science Fiction. Every Friday night for the past several years, I take the couch as my personal domain, and settle in to watch Stargate SG-1. I've always thought the show that has good writing, and a pretty good story line to follow. That is until recently. I still loves my 'gate, but, there is a new show slowly taking it's place.
Battlestar Galactica!
Okay, this is not the same one that was on in the 70's with the fun-loving Starbuck, and the heroic Apollo. Oh no. This one is FAR beyond that. The storyline is basically the same. Humans living on Caprica and the planets of the other 12 colonies have been attacked by the Cylons. Their worlds destroyed, they take to the star and try to reach the lost 13th colony, Earth. The last Battlestar, Galactica, leads the rag-tag fugitive fleet, on their lonely quest. Okay, hit the brakes there. That is about where the similarities end. Outside of the major character names, and the Vipers, that's about it. No corny kid running around with a monkey in a costume that looks like a dog. No Dr. Smith voiced blinky head guy saying "By Your Command" every five minutes. This is a damn good developing storyline. A storyline based in our reality.
I don't want to give too much away here, but, if you like Sci-Fi, and a good drama with characters you can really get caught up with, check it out on Friday nights.

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